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What’s this stuff about org and leadership team effectiveness that I didn’t really understand? Then I had fortune to join a team that had been practicing with Dwayne. What they were doing blew my mind. “You mean, you all take time to understand one another deeply and to understand the dynamics in the leadership team to push hard to be better?” And I have never looked back on the importance of this work to the full potential of teams. It’s not all easy stuff either; lots of the work is hard! What I like about Dwayne’s approach is that he’s humble, will meet you and your team where you are, he’ll challenge you if you are leaving potential untapped, and he loves rolling up sleeves with teams to see the improvement come to life. Like many things, it’s not about sharing a glossy slideshow or leaving latest “hot book” on the table, it’s about getting to know oneself and your colleagues so that the collective can perform at it’s absolute best.

Rej Tetrault- GM Deepwater Operations- Royal Dutch Shell






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